Bonus Work

These are just a few projects that were fun to work on.

PSL 3rd Learning Oversized Direct Mail

To garner attention ahead of the NYS Common Core standards transition we shipped giant pencils with a direct mail brochure in the box.

The local advertising award show is held annually as the biggest event of the year for the club. As a board of directors member and show chair for the year I was charged with coming up with the theme and managing the creative for the show. The added challenge was having the show during the Covid pandemic. I had the idea to host the show at the Transit Drive-In movie theater which led to the ADFAMOUS theme - celebrating your work being made famous that night. We had celebrities deliver messaging in advance on social media and through the night on the show reel to elevate the show. We previewed the work on a custom website, created the showbook, and had fun vintage drive in style video interludes, free popcorn and more fun than you could have expected. The award-winning work and special guest honorees were shown on the big screen along with the celebrity shout-outs. We were the only club in the region to carry on with a show that was not over Zoom and it was a big success.

AAF Buffalo Award Show

Social media in advance of the award show

A physical red pantone chip was individually applied to each holiday card to make it special and have a unique tie to advertising.

Pantone Chip Holiday Card

The Friends of Night People food kitchen operates 365 days a year helping people in need of food in the surrounding neighborhoods. Their annual fundraiser is a way to raise money for the organization and with BBQ food being the main part of their menu it helped drive the concept of the sauce creating the community members that are being helped by the organiziation.

Friends of Night People

A perfect pairing of food and Martin House architecture was the concept for this multi-card, oversized square invitation. The special event package helped to draw a full crowd for the fundraising event.

Dining By Design Martin House Fundraiser

